This story starts after a phone call I received on Thursday night, 8th August.
I just began to relax with just showered hair, fresh pj's, glass of wine and homemade Chilli con carnie. I was set for what seemed a relaxing night... little did I know the phone call I was about to receive. As I took one fork of my tasty meal.. my phone rang.
"Is that Em Photography?" came a anxious voice on the other end of the line.
"yes." I moved to grab my trusty pad and pen to make any needed notes. I told the nervous voice, to which he said " you may not want to make notes when you know what I am about to ask!"
I have to admit, that worried me slightly... but something in my heart heard the genuine cry for help, before my brain even new the answer to the problem that might lay ahead.
Sure enough I was told the story of how they had been let down at the 11th hour. That they now feared there day would end differently to how they had originally planned. But if I could provide a photo booth for the night all would not be lost. But their fears for the day were deeply in set.
"do you provide photo booths to evening events?"
"yes. sure do!"
"Would you be able to do one tomorrow evening?"
"yep, sure can"
"How much?"
I told them the price.. But as they had planned for a whole year and had been run dry through payments so close to the actual day. They had to seek help from family members. But his father in law, was determined like the groom to make sure that the bride would have her wish. I could hear their desperation..
I waited for the phone call to say yes that my price was within reason.. my nerves began to twang as the realization of the horror unfolded in my mind, filled me with anger of yet another unprofessional person had not lived up to a agreement with their couple. I wont go into every detail, as its not my story to tell, but I will say this.. being professional is not about what camera you use, or how expensive it is, or how good you are in the studio. Its certainly not how much kit you have or its cost.. or how much your packages are.
Its about providing a service that requires you to be fully trained in what you offer, personable, reliable and trustworthy.They should feel comfortable when you are with their guests taking photos.
I love every one of my couples, and I treasure the fact they choose me to record their day down the finest detail. I am proud of how I take care of them from the start, and how I carry this on up to their day and after, whether its me taking their photos or a colleague who I know is professional to. But what I am most proud of is how they react to the work that I produce. I don't skimp on quality for the sake of cost.. I take care of them like I would want somebody to take care of me, or my children when they face their day. I want honesty and sincerity.
Their is so much to tell on this story... but I don't believe in being negative for to long. I don't believe in naming and shaming any one. That's not my place, and in all honesty whats done is done. For Now!
And as much as I want to say you pay for what you get.. I feel is to cruel. Because I know how hard my couples work to pay for their big day. Every penny is precious and is a step closer to achieving their final goal. But is by no means the end of the story. They have so much to be happy for.. so many stories yet to be written on their journey through their life together, I hope that I can follow them on that journey, me and my camera.
The lesson that can be learnt from this, is that there will be people willing to offer you unbelievable packages for you day.. no matter the industry or service they cater within. Some will deliver and some wont. It is a gamble, but you have to make sure that those pennies, and all that hard work, preparing and investing is spent wisely. Don't be blinded by the unbelievable, so you cant see through the trees. Ask questions, do they have testimonials? how many weddings have they worked on? will they be your photographer on the day? Will you get a photographic plan? What are there payment terms? how many years experience do they have? and if you do book them.. get a copy of everything... as well as proof through emails.. don't pay a penny until you do!
So what happened on the night?
The car was packed to the brim. We every piece of equipment I could fit in the car!
As I arrived we saw the guests standing out side the venue. I have to say I hate that bit.. so embarrassing everyone watching! As we unloaded the car, the groom came over. Telling us about the day and how it had gone. I would love to say they were confident, but the fear from the other night had not diminished. What was worse for me, was the other photographer was still there, wasn't sure what to expect at this point if I am completely honest.
Any way, we took all the equipment upstairs and I proceeded to unload and setup. I was working at hyper speed trying to sort everything out.. I got a huge table with all the props, done!! tick! Backdrop and lights, done, tick! Laptop, second monitor, camera tethered done, tick! Arrrhhh.. second monitor not playing ball!!! grrr... Thank goodness two of my phototog friends turned up and sorted my manic panic out!! Thanks Ross and Joan ;) Sometimes you just someone who is not in that moment to think clearly.
I have to say I met the replacement photographer from the day, and despite the awkwardness it wasn't to bad. After all it wasn't his fault, despite the connections he had to the main issue at hand. But, as I was being paid for my time and knowing the situation I went off in search of my bride and groom to start what I had came their to do, my job and to do it flipping well!!
I met the nervous bride, flustered and tired from the days before and the days activities that day (wow there were a lot of days in that sentence.... anyway.. great time to take them away from everyone, so they could have a breather and refresh in the cool air) It was a shame about the venue, despite its beautiful interior.. (old cinema with ornate fixture and fittings.. gooorrrggeeeouss.. and the food smelt divine.. gutted I wasn't a guest!!) were surrounded by a lack of luster out side.. this however did not deter me!!
We were limited by our choice of locations, but right in front of us was a run down church.. I was on it like a bee on honey... :o) Posing and positioning them, rearranging the dress and nearly getting run over. But hey!! I wanted that photo and I wanted it for them more than anything else, I wanted them to have something special. I couldn't guarantee someone else's work, but I sure could guarantee what they would have from me...

Why am I so committed to providing my couples with the best? I hear you ask... why go so far beyond what you have to..
Well I shall tell you a secret.. I never wanted to be a wedding photographer. When I was 7 I was bridesmaid for my sister. I wasn't a very girly girl at all, in fact I was a clean cut tom boy who never stayed clean for long. Being forced into a dress, not matter how pretty I thought it looked, my need to explore would take over my need to stand still being forced to have my photo taken. This did not please the grumpy photographer in front of me.. and boy was he grumpy! That was it.. my mind was made up.. I don't like photographers, and I most certainly did not like grumpy wedding photographers!! I definitely never want to be one of them when I grow up lol..
How ironic.. never planned it, but here I am in love with my profession.
So we move on.. past the story of my history and how it changed to where I am today. But let me take you to another moment when I to got married to the man of my dreams. I was 18 years old.. and in all honesty I would have married him in a muddy hole, wearing a sack.. I was unashamedly in love to the tips of my toes to the tips of my hair. I didn't care who was there as long as I got my man. We had the smallest wedding with only 30 guests, close family and close friends.. it was lovely, I was able to speak to everyone with ease. But because I was impatient and due to a lack of funds, I didn't have the white dress... in fact I didn't know where to begin, there was no Google searching in 1997... it didn't exist, and neither did broadband. My choices were limited to what was closest. I therefore scrimped on my choices. I didn't even have a photographer, just a friend that was capable.
I look back now with fondness, I don't regret my choices.. I would most likely do it again.. except I would have the dress! and I would have the photographer.. that's my only regret.. Every wedding I photograph, I re-live my own wedding and the love I feel for my family.. and those moments where I said I do.. I'm still here 16 years later.. that's comitment! lol
That's why I treasure your day.. its a tribute to what I sacrificed. I want you to have what I choose not to. I want you to have the best I wish someone would have given me. That is why I am committed to every bride & groom, to every family, to ever guest... to every child.
I wont be grumpy, I wont boss you around, I wont be impatient.. I will be there on your day smiling and tearing up as much as you. Because there is nothing more gratifying that seeing two people who love one another, say I do.
To all that took the time to read this looooong blog.. You must be mad! But thanks all the same :o) xx
Next blog will be about all you mad people from my Silly Photo Booth.... Till next time xx